SALDO Activity Continues
On April 12, 2023, as recommended by the Indiana County Planning Commission, the Indiana County Commissioners adopted a new Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (SALDO) consistent with the Indiana County Comprehensive Plan. The updated Ordinance replaces the previous Indiana County Subdivision Ordinance, last amended in 1990 and currently in effect in 32 of the 38 municipalities in the County.
The Indiana County Office of Planning & Development (ICOPD) is hosted three in-person and two virtual outreach workshops to provide stakeholders an opportunity to learn about the Indiana County SALDO and ask questions regarding implementation of the Ordinance. (Meeting Information available at These regional SALDO Outreach Workshops will be geared toward the public, municipalities, and other key stakeholders impacted by the new SALDO such as developers, engineers, surveyors, and attorneys.
It is understood that early communication is essential to ensure that partners and stakeholders are prepared for the new SALDO; of which enforcement begins August 10, 2023. ICOPD encourages the community to review the Ordinance. Copies are available at all public libraries, the Indiana County Commissioners’ Office, and at the ICOPD office, and a digital copy is available on the website at—land-development-ordinance-(saldo).html. A copy of the Ordinance will also be provided to all of our municipal partners throughout the County. Printed copies are available at the ICOPD office (801 Water Street) at the cost of printing.
County Staff are available to discuss specific questions or concerns related to the new Indiana County Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance. If there are any questions or concerns, contact the ICOPD office. The following staff are available to assist – Josh Krug, Deputy Director, Planning Section – 724-465-3877 | or Molly Sarver, Chief Planner – 724-465-3162 |