
The Indiana County Development Corporation

The Indiana County Development Corporation (ICDC) is a private, non-profit, industrial development corporation that promotes an environment supporting the creation and retention of quality jobs in Indiana County. The ICDC develops and maintains an inventory of quality business park sites and multi-tenant buildings throughout the County. They operate through a self-appointing board of thirteen directors who represent both goods-producing and service-producing businesses in Indiana County.

Originally incorporated in the 1960s, the ICDC primarily served as an access point for State financing through the Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority (PIDA) until the mid-1990s. The construction of a 100-acre development at the intersection of US Route 22 and US Route 119 in 1998 (Corporate Campus Business Park), marked the beginning of the ICDC’s role as a key player in the economic development of Indiana County.

Commercial and Industrial Sites

The ICDC currently owns and operates five multi-tenant buildings and one single-tenant industrial building, totaling about 300,000 square feet of space and hosting an employment base of over 300 area residents. In total, business properties developed by the ICDC serve as home to some twenty businesses, with over 700 employees and about 1,500 vocational students.

A commitment to collaboratively working with clients undergirds the ICDC’s successful operating philosophy. They advance innovative solutions that enable their clients to accomplish their expansion goals. With their existing complement of land and buildings nearing capacity, the ICDC currently has two additional business parks ready for construction. These parks will add approximately 160 acres of additional business pads to their inventory of developable properties.

Please use the following links to conduct your own personally guided tours of some of the ICDC sites:

Business parks, multi-tenant buildings and pad-ready sites
Keystone Opportunity Zone (KOZ) sites
All available properties for lease or purchase


If you would like additional information about the ICDC or their properties, please contact Byron G. Stauffer, Jr. by e-mail at byronjr@ceo.co.indiana.pa.us or by calling 724-465-3870 x3161.                     

URBN Fullfillment Center Groundbreaking, September 27, 2018