Busy Times For the Indiana County Commissioners
- Budget season has started with a new budget program to use for immediate needs but for 5–10-year future planning.
- The coroner’s office is underway for a new means to serve the county, and change the revenue structure from the office to the county’s budget.
- The Indiana County Office of Planning & Development office is under a new renovation.
- EMA/911 is getting a 1.8 million update to the communication network throughout the county.
- Indiana County Jimmy Stewart Airport is continuing its master plan update with additional business economic development planned to happen in the future.
- The Indiana County Jail’s new boiler system is coming to its completion for the winter. A new security and camera system will be installed in the 4th quarter of this year.
- Records storage facilities for the courts will be under construction at the county’s 4th street location, and after the coroner’s office is complete then the records storage facility for the remaining county records with be constructed at the airport annex office.
- The County Commissioners invite you to attend an Open House at the Indiana County Courthouse, October 20, 2022, from 4:30 – 6:30 pm.