
IRMC Welcomes Its Second Class Of Residents

On August 23rd, Indiana Regional Medical Center welcomed its second class of resident physicians to Indiana County.

These doctors will join the Family Medicine Residency Program that was instituted in 2022. The program is meant to give the resident doctors experience in many different medicine fields so that they can use that experience in the future as they move on from the program.

Residency Director Dr. Amanda Vaglia said that it has been exciting to see the program grow over the course of the first year. She said “Residents from last year have put in a whole year of training here in our rural community. They have been learning how to practice rural medicine, and now they’re going to be mentors for the new class coming in.”

Seven new residents will take part in the program this year, and they come from across the world, but some are from Pennsylvania. Michael Talotta of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania said he heard about the residency program through the Rural Family Medicine podcast created by IRMC and the Indiana University of Pennsylvania, specifically the episode that Vaglia was a guest on. “The way she was talking about family medicine was so much different than I had heard of family medicine before,” he said, “I was like, ‘What is she talking about? It sounds like a mix of everything here, a little bit of emergency medicine and family…as it turned out, that was rural family medicine, and I was immediately in love. I had to see the place.”