
Indiana County Tourist Bureau

Partnership is Key

The Indiana County Tourist Bureau (ICTB) works with a widespread network of partnerships and cooperatives to attract visitors from across the country and the world through broad tourism marketing initiatives.  The tourist bureau’s close connection with area businesses and organizations on the local level, coupled with the personal relationships of organizations at the state and national level, have made Indiana County a national player in the tourism industry.  In addition, forging strong partnerships with fellow tourist bureaus in neighboring counties, such as Armstrong, Butler and Lawrence, the Pittsburgh metropolitan area, as well as with the Pennsylvania state tourism office, has created a united tourism presence in the region, bringing bottom line dollars to this area of Pennsylvania.


Marketing and Promotions

Comprehensive marketing and promotions are targeted to specific audiences, including motor coach tour groups, sports and leisure groups, meetings and conventions, educational trips and corporate groups.  Working to bring large groups to the county for single and multi-day excursions, whether business-related, for recreation, or a combination of the two, brings tourism-related dollars to the area.  Indiana County employs nearly 2,000 residents within the tourism & hospitality industry, making it a multi-million dollar contributor to Indiana County’s economy.


In addition to the marketing and promotion of Indiana County, the tourist bureau offers memberships to businesses, non-profit groups, clubs, organizations, one-time event groups and individuals.  Membership benefits include free internet exposure on the ICTB website and event promotion through an online calendar, weekly email-blast, and social media outlets. Additional ICTB membership benefits include a complimentary listing (with option for paid advertisement) in the visitor guide, the latest industry news, networking opportunities, group-target marketing and free distribution of printed marketing collateral.

The tourist bureau serves as an integral distribution center for tourism-related news and information in Indiana County. Assisting both visitors and residents alike, ICTB provides information and resources about their members and local events and attractions as well as the county and region in general. Whether you are looking for a place to stay while visiting the area, planning to bring your convention or sports tournament to the region, seeking a great place to dine, unique places to shop, or just want to explore the region, the Indiana County Tourist Bureau can assist you in your needs.

If you would like additional information about tourism opportunities in Indiana County, please contact Laura Herrington by e-mail at lherrington@visitIndianacountypa.org or by calling 724-463-7505. Visit their website at www.VisitIndianaCountyPA.org.

Thank You to Our Partners

Success Stories

Pittman, Struzzi Announce $9.1 Million in RACP Grants for Indiana County On November 1, 2024, Sen. Joe Pittman and Rep. Jim Struzzi announced $9.1 million in Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) grants for four projects in Indiana County. Homer City Redevelopment, LLC – $5 million for a natural gas pipeline improvement project. Indiana County Commissioners […]

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When craft beer was a cool new trend in the cities, we were non-trepreneurs who worked our day jobs and home-brewed as a hobby.  Then we became obsessed with the idea of opening Levity Brewing Co. in Indiana, and suddenly the list of things and knowledge we needed became enormous.  The SBDC took our energy […]

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